Contact us

Valérie & Antoine Cournot
Phone: +33 (0)6 47 19 80 45 / Phone: +33 (0)6 79 70 41 72

Lieu dit « Nazère » 32 380, Avezan, France
GPS coordinates: +43° 53’ 13.11, +0° 47’ 46.18, (43.886975, 0.796162) ‎

Toulouse-Blagnac Airport, 59 km
Agen train station, 47 km, Agen-paying shuttle Fleurance (12 km)

Despite the increase in the price of electricity, all our rooms are air conditioned... Likewise,...
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Valérie & Antoine COURNOT
Nazère lieu dit 32380 AVEZAN

Phone: +33(0)6 47 19 80 45
or: +33(0)6 79 70 41 72

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